You know Naomi Osaka and Stefanos Tsitsipas for their world-class tennis talent, but how well do you know their Twitter personalities?

Both of the Top-10 players are fairly active on social media, so on the latest episode of Tennis United, Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Vasek Pospisil dug up some old tweets of theirs and decided to make a little game of it.


After reading a tweet, Mattek-Sands and Pospisil would have to guess which of the young players it came from. It seemed easy enough, until it became clear that both Osaka and Tsitsipas have similar styles of tweeting; clever, stream of consciousness thoughts that can even get a bit deep at times.

More than once, even the authors of the tweets weren’t sure if they belonged to them. The distinctions came down to tiny details such as commas or abbreviations, but overall, the Tennis United hosts were surprisingly successful in their guesses.

Check out the latest episode of the Podcast with Daria Gavrilova:

Tsitsipas, Osaka 
take deep-dive 
into Twitter feeds

Tsitsipas, Osaka take deep-dive into Twitter feeds