Prakash Amritraj is busy touring the world this year as Tennis Channel's global correspondent. Every day, no matter what city he's in, he's made time to hit the gym, stick to a strict diet and interview the world's best players. He has successfully added regularly contributing to *GQ India* to his workload.

His most recent entry, titled “How to become a superhero version of yourself" delves into his intense passion for fitness, and the life-changing benefits of working out. Amritraj was a successful junior, college player at the University of Southern California and pro, reaching as high as No. 154. After injuries cut his career short, he pivoted to acting and broadcasting. He is also insanely jacked.


Amritraj fueled his burning desire for self-improvement with two iconic quotes.

One from Arnold Schwarzenegger: “A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it, no money can buy it, you cannot borrow it, you cannot inherit it, you cannot steal it. You cannot hold onto it without constant work. It shows discipline, it shows self respect, it shows patience, work ethic and passion.”

And another from Denzel Washington: “It took me 20 years to become an overnight success.”

Believe it or not, Amritraj was not always in the greatest shape. After undergoing reconstructive shoulder surgery in 2013  his physique took a hit.

“Vision is the first and most important step in your journey,” says Amritraj, who then took his fitness to jaw-dropping heights. “Even if you can’t always see the staircase in front of you, step forward anyway and trust that it will appear as you are about to lay your foot down."

Amritraj believes persistence and consistency are key.


“The virtuous cycle is what we’re chasing,” Amritraj says, “The same process spills over into all other aspects of our lives, allowing us to become the superhero versions of ourselves.”

Prakash Amritraj on 
becoming your
superhero version

Prakash Amritraj on becoming your superhero version


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