Presently nestled inside of the Top 30, Frances Tiafoe has a lot to say. Some of that he gets done with his racquet, and some of it he accomplishes with passionate words about his upbringing, and giving back to his community and to his family.


In a new Washington Post feature about his work ethic, his game and his LeBron James inspiration, writer Liz Clarke makes note of Tiafoe's talked-about celebrations after his Australian Open knock-offs of a trio of higher-ranked players before Rafael Nadal halted his run. Along the way, he flexed a bicep, slapped it with his hand and yelled in jubilation. Driven by adrenaline and a desire to prove his place in the sport's upper echelon, Tiafoe had every right to these postures. Not everything can be a step-and-repeat wave to each of a given stadium's four sides, and hardly everything should be.

"One hundred percent, I think tennis needs it," Tiafoe says. "Tennis needs some different personalities and a lot more emotions."

He's not wrong, and the sport will be better for it. He will be better for it. The 21-year-old will take his big game and personality to the New York Open this week, where he is the No. 2 seed.

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