Consider these the GIFs that truly keep on giving.

Here comes a listthat almost literally has it all: There's Nicole Kidman clapping awkwardly. Donald Trump staring at the sun. Lady Gaga jumping into a black hole. A small child in need of a dramatic fainting couch. And more.

It's GIPHY's list of the top 25 GIFs of the year 2017, and among the winners is a celebratory Rafael Nadal, triumphant after a US Open victory in New York.

Fitting, given his historic year in which he at least kept pace with Roger Federer, going tete-a-tete and seizing two of the season's four major singles titles.

By the by, among the also-rans are these two contenders.

From the Australian Open:


And from Wimbledon:


Sure, Nadal may have lost out ultimately to a high-kicking Taylor Swift and a waving pug, but 109 million viewers can't be wrong. It's just the latest plume in his 2017 cap.

Follow Jon on Twitter @jonscott9.