The 2016 European Cup is officially underway, and the WTA tasked its stars with the Football Challenge:


Sara Errani was easily one of the best jugglers:

WTA stars show off soccer skills in honor of Euro Cup

While Serena Williams, though No. 1 on the WTA Tour, was far from the top in soccer:


WTA stars show off soccer skills in honor of Euro Cup

She took it all in stride though, admitting she's only good at one sport:

WTA stars show off soccer skills in honor of Euro Cup


The American is also lacking an obvious team to cheer on, while Carolina Garcia has no such problem:

Neither does Switzerland's Timea Bacsinszky:


The WTA also challenged fans to come up with an 11-player field:


Enjoy watching all of the soccer (or football) games, but don't forget there's a huge tennis tournament on a similar surface just around the corner.